Excavations at Zominthos

a flourishing Minoan settlement on the Psiloritis Mountain


Grant to Efi Sapouna-Sakellaraki in the memory of archaeologist Yannis Sakellarakis for excavations at Zominthos, Crete. An important archaeological site, Zominthos was a flourishing Minoan settlement (1900-1400 BC) on the Psiloritis Mountain. It was on the sacred route from the palace of Knossos to the Cave of Zeus. It was first discovered by the archaeologist Yannis Sakellariakis and his wife Efi Sapouna-Sakellaraki, who had embarked on an excavation at the Cave of Zeus.

The project became part of a 5-year programme of scientific research under the auspices of the Archaeological Society and the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Heidelberg, with active help from the Municipality of Anogeia.
The excavation staff at Zominthos comprised specialists from various countries (Greece, germany, Hungary, Britain) specialised in different fields. Archaeologists, land surveyors, paleogeographers, archaeobotanists and archaeozoologists collaborated in a comprehensive archaeological, environmental and geological study of Zominthos which provided a full picture of Minoan nature in the region.