Navarino Network

Educational programme “Olympia Summer Academy”


Grant to the Navarino Network in support of its educational programme “Olympia Summer Academy” (1-15 July).

The “Olympia Summer Academy” is an internationally acclaimed educational and research programme in the fields of political science and international relations. Every July the programme, held on the premises of the International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia, offers seminars taught by leading specialists to approximately 100 postgraduate students from around the world. The programme for 2013 comprised five cycles: political violence, politics and religion, terrorism, conflict resolution and political risk analysis. The Navarino Network is an independent, non-profit scientific venture based in Thessaloniki, and since 2010 it is a member of the Cultural Society of Entrepreneurs of Northern Greece. The Network’s mission is to promote research, open dialogue and collective action to deal with the challenges of the new age (globalisation, economic development, etc.). To this end it organises debates with international figures, carries out research on key issues such as migration and organises the Olympia Summer Academy for postgraduate students from all over the world.